2-02-59+R5...Amsterdam [1997] <23m>
2-42-52+D6…Arriving at Munich airport <17s>
1-47-55+E5…Berlin Shopping [2002] <19s>
0-00-00-u5…Berlin [11-2002] <66m>
0-17-00+C5...Bremen [29/30-5-97] <26m>
3-52-00-n5…Bucharest <4m> (vgq)
   Sorting out the Rumanian Army then shooting a video of him running with them
1-00-22+H5...Budapest 1996 <50m> (mostly b/w)
1-24-00+X4...Budapest - record store, fans break window [9-9-96] <7m>
1-06-04-u5…Cannes [1997] [after nice concert] <25m>
0-00-00-i5…Carnegie Hall Heal The Kids speech <7m>
1-44-10-u5…Carousel Of Hope [2001] <11m>
0-19-59-i5…Christmas <3.09m> (eq)
2-10-40+O4…Christmas shopping with Paris [2002]<2.58>
0-33-10+I4...Cologne [1992] <26m>
2-34-50+N4...Disneyland Paris [24-2-96:17/16/19-12-95] <28m>
2-43-36-i1...Dorchester Hotel - playing with fans [1992] <14m>
1-35-13-a1...Dorchester Hotel/suicide fan [1992] <17m>
0-00-00-k5…England [14/15/16/17/18-6-2002] <176m>
   Outside the Renaissance Hotel, Sony demo and Killer Thriller party, Harrods, following Michael about London
1-23-00-m5…Exeter Football Club visit and speech <11m>
   Michael arriving with Uri Geller and David Blaine then speaking to the crowd
0-21-46+E4...France - wandering about [1997] <18m>
1-58-00+D6...Gary [2003] <41m> (vgq)
   Private recording of Michael during his visit to Gary
0-13-38-k4...Hawaiian Village Hilton [2-1-97] <21m>
1-38-08-u5… Hamburg Hotel <7m>
2-33-40+Q5...Israeli desert [18-9-93] <10m>
1-31-00+X4...Japan [1996] <52m>
   Hotel foyer signing autographs, some TV footage, playing with fans from hotel window, full Hand in Cement Ceremony, shopping, at Ghosts premier, wandering about Japan, watching drum performance
2-46-00+S2...Janet prays for Michael in her concert then breaks down <3.30>
3-26-13-v4…Killer-Thriller speech <11.22m> (eq)
   Michael’s anti-Sony speech
2-54-25+D6…Las Vegas Mayor gives Michael the key to the city <10s>
1-33-31-u5…London [1992] <5.30m>
   Arriving in a helicopter with Minnie and Mickey Mouse
2-42-00-n5…London [2001] <26m> (qg)
   Michael and fans all over London, Michael on stage at the Apollo party speaking to his fans
0-00-00+E6…Los Angeles [2003] <235m> (vgq)
   Michael's Birthday Party and a whole lot more
1-25-23-g5…Madison Square Garden [7-9-2001] <7m>
   Michael in the audience before he performs, crouched under the stage then rising up onto the stage as the performance begins
0-56-30+O1...Mayfair Hotel [1992] <3.50m>
1-31-25-d4...Melbourne Hotel arrival [1996] (different camera] <7m>
1-54-38-d4...Melbourne Hotel arrival [1996] (different camera) <13m>
2-31-18-d4...Melbourne Hotel [1996] <7m>
1-38-19-d4...MIA Music Bowl [1996] (different camera] <16m>
   Presentation of History Book signed by fans, Michael singes it before it’s sealed and stored at Planet Hollywood, Heal The World cheque presentation
2-07-11-d4...MIA Music Bowl [1996] (different camera) <24m>
   Presentation of History Book signed by fans, Michael singes it before it’s sealed and stored at Planet Hollywood, Heal The World cheque presentation
2-39-00+D6… Michael’s beaded pants <20s>
2-06-10+N5...Michaelfest [23-8-96] <9m>
1-05-35-g5…MJ Day 3 <20m>
   I don’t know who the performers are but they’re good
2-56-10+Q5...Monaco [–5-96] <8m>
0-00-00+J6…Monte Carlo [2000] <118m> (vgq)
   World Music Awards, fans chasing Michael and Michael playing with them
0-14-46+E4...Monte Carlo [1997] <7m>
   Record store
1-07-22-m4...Moscow [1996] <16m>
   With Mayor, President, outside hotel, look-a-like
0-34-01-j4...Moscow [1996] <30m>
   Children’s sport festival, Red Square
2-14-02-m4...Moscow [1996] <13m>
   Moscow, playing with fans
0-00-00 j4...Moscow [1996] <14m>
   Meeting Mayor, Russian President, outside hotel
1-40-27-j4...Moscow (different camera] <11m>
   Red Square, outside Hotel, Moscow
1-52-35-j4...Moscow (different camera] <7m>
   Red Square, Hotel
2-00-02-j4...Moscow [1996] <9.30m>
   Red Square with Russian Army
2-24-54+R5...Munich <26m>
   Playing with fans at Hotel Bayerischer Hof during visit to appear on Wetten Dass [8/9-6-99]
2-52-50+R5...Munich [26-6-99] <30m>
   Playing with fans at Hotel Bayerischer Hof during visit for MJ and Friends
2-11-00-m5…Munich [1999] <22m>
   Michael at his hotel window playing with the fans and throwing stuff out of the window
3-16-00+M4...Munich [4/5/6-7-97] <34m> Munich Hotel window - Michael, Debbie and baby Prince waving and playing with fans at Hotel Bayerischer Hof
0-00-00+C5...Munich [2-5-97] <17m>
2-06-33+C5...Munich [18-3-98] <57m>
   Michael and Prince at Circus Krone, at his hotel, signing autographs
2-54-35+D6… Orpheum theatre, signing autographs <4.17>
0-43-23+C5...Paris [1996] <38m>
2-11-55-j4...Paris [19-04-97] <17.25m>
   Grevin Museum with Marcel Marcau
1-14-29-d4...Perth Hotel foyer [30-11-96] <17m>
1-11-27-c4...Perth [27-11-1996] <50m>
1-08-47+E4...Polish school [1997] <7m>
   Michael’s visit
2-39-45+D6…Santa Barbara airport with Blanket <42s>
0-11-00-w3...Security Camera Video <26m>
    [B/w picture, no sound]
   Foyer and road outside the Marriot Hotel, Warsaw.
   The chaos in the foyer while anticipating Michael’s appearance then a birds eye view of Michael walking about, signing autographs and generally mingling with his fans outside the hotel
0-00-00-w3...Security Camera Video <11m>
    [Coloured picture, no sound]
   Elevator in the Marriot Hotel, Warsaw. An insight into what Michael does while riding up and down in the elevator and how he reacts when he realises the security camera is filming him
1-05-28+E5...Security Camera Video <3.30m>
   Michael Christmas shopping with a friend at FAO Shwarz
2-39-20+D6…Shopping for books <25s>
1-47-55+E5…Shopping in Berlin [2002] <19s>
1-34-56-m5…Sony demo <35m> Michael on the bus in New York, fans yelling, Killer-Thriller speech, New York party, Michael on stage speaking.
2-38-00-d4...Sydney Opera House [17-11-96] <26m>
   Michael accepting Outstanding Achievement Award
2-11-32+P3...Tenerife [1993] <6.28m>
   Airport presented with flowers and waving, walking with children, getting in van, playing about on Hotel roof, fans chasing van, at Hotel
2-43-09+D6…Waving to fans at his Neverland Birthday party <30s>