The Jacksons 2004

[updated in 2009 with added chapters]
33. The Crisis

  At that time we were very much worried and about Michael too. He became thinner, paler and has completely lost sense of humour. He started more and more to keep away from the family.

   Michael has got one of the biggest and authoritative catalogue of rights in the world, ATV, containing the best songs of the Paul McCartney, John Lennon and Sly Stone. The catalogue was managed by M??, and the contract expired, so Michael had to decide, to whom he will transfer the management because millions dollars have been connected to these rights. Certainly, M?? with pleasure would keep them, but Sony and Warner Brothers, practically all the big record companies also tried to get it.

   Besides Michael regretted that he goes on tour. He has lead all his life on tours and wanted finally to be home more often, to have an opportunity to create a family. His manager Sandy Gallin however thought differently because he could earn essentially more if Michael would go on tour and sold records, in fact he received for it his percentage. Therefore he had all bases to advise him, to stop all the contacts with us because in his opinion we gave nonprofessional advices.

   We practically could not find out anything more and could not get close to our son, but heard from other people, that Michael and Gallin have disagreements, because of that that Michael did not want neither to go on tour, nor to prolong the contract on management with M??. It did not match with Gallin's interests because he kept acquaintances with people from this branch which precisely was not glad to the event.

   David Geffen, whose record label was affiliated company M??, and Gallin were friends more than 30 years, since, when both of them worked in Atlantic. And they were very close. I was informed from different sources, that about those weeks when the polemic around Michael has reached the peak, Geffen many times a day called to Gallin's office.

   In any case I worried, that these two can create problems to Michael if he will not do what they want. Geffen was one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. He and Gallin actively helped AIDS patients and have organized a big charity campaign. To tell the truth, up to the end it was not clear to me, on what channels all that money which they have earned on it, have flowed away.

   I simply could not understand Gallin and Geffen because I had an impression, that Gallin wants to make profit on Michael.

   Anyway, Gallin and Michael have quarrelled because of the tour, and Gallin has threatened Michael, that if he will fire from the post of the manager, than he never will step onto the American ground any more. It has reminded me the time of black lists when actors got in disgrace if did not obey the mightiest of this world.

   And then suddenly charges against Michael have been lifted. I cannot tell, that Gallin or Geffen have anything to do with this, but I nevertheless was very much surprised, that nobody, except for Louis Farrakhan, Arsenio Hall and Liz Taylor did defend Michael. All his famous friends whom Michael helped so many years, have turned away from him. Hollywood can be very mean. My son - one of the most known people in the world, and certainly, perfectly approaches as a target for dirty attacks. Besides his manager and did not move a finger to undertake something against it. To us as to family he has not addressed at all.

   What irritates me the most, it's the whole falsity. When they have declared, that Michael ostensibly molested the child, it was possible to read about it in any newspaper in a rumor section, and on TV they reported about it too. But when the journalist Mary A. Fisher finally has got to the bottom of, who stands behind all of that, it was almost unheard!

   Some people still believe, that my son a homosexual or actually has made something bad, and it is a lie!

   It hurts me from these endless rumors! Eventually, the question is only Michael's money!

   I will tell you as it all was for real, and I hope, it will bring some benefit.

   Everything started when Michael's car got broken on Wilshire Boulevard. Near there has passed the employee of the company selling second-hand cars, and has suggested Michael to take him with himself to that company where he could rent other car. They specialized on renting not very fancy cars to celebrities so they could go anyplace without being afraid of fans. Dave, the owner of the company, was there on this day and when my son has come, he at once has called his wife June to tell her who has visited him. June's son from the first marriage was a fan of Michael Jackson.

   June Chandler Schwarz immediately came with her 2 children - 6-year old daughter from the marriage with Dave, and the son from the marriage with the dentist and the author of scripts Evan Chandler. June was an attractive woman - a former model with long dark hair was so beautiful, that her appearance in the street could paralyse the traffic. But even if Michael at once has taken a great interest in her, he never would be occurred with an idea of destroying the family. But both children have liked Michael, it happens to the majority of children.

   Subsequently Michael who passionately wished to have his own family, has made friends with the Schwarz family, in fact June which undoubtedly too has liked my son, has willingly gave him her home phone number.

   Michael paid attention to June and to her both children, flied with them to Monaco, went to Disneyland. He has not taken into consideration the meanness on Evan Chandler, the father of the boy.

   Evan chandler had problems with his allowance of dental practise because he worked carelessly. When his marriage has broken up, June has acquired the right of trusteeship above their common son, and Chandler had to pay her the alimony, 500 dollars monthly. He nevertheless failed to pay the payments on time and when he has lifted the charges against my son, he owed June already 68 thousand dollars. I already then asked myself, whether it was the true reason of his sudden interest in my son.

   Anyway, he has invited Michael to visit his and June son at their place, when he has heard about Michael's friendly manner with his former wife and their common child. He even has suggested, that Michael could reconstruct his house so that he could have his own room there. When the supervision of construction has forbidden it, he has demanded from my son to buy him a new house.

   His behaviour was first of all therefore unusual because he usually did not stand if his former wife had contacts with other men. Generally he was really jealous. And here he got a lawyer which was in the same time his patient - Berry Rothman. For Rothman the conflicts around of trusteeship were not something new. He already represented one woman in fierce quarrel for the right of trusteeship, and there he too with the help of the friend - therapist has proved, that the boy was molested by his father.

   Let's return to June Chandler Schwarz which in the meantime has filed for divorce with Dave. Probably, she has fallen in love with Michael, or has allowed him to console herself because her marriage has failed, in any case Michael has invited her and her children to the ranch in Santa Barbara.

   Then Michael already for a long time has finished the relationship with Tatum O'Neil, Brook Shields, the young dancer, Stephanie of Monaco and some other women. Brook though carried his ring, has been in love with someone else. Michael has met with Madonna too once, but nothing came out of this story.

   So Michael was free for June. Sometimes he visited her in her house in Santa Monica Canyons, sometimes she came on the ranch. He started to think about gathering with her and to adopt her children. When he has flown to Monaco to the World Music Awards, he has taken all the three with himself and introduces them to the princess Stephanie.

   When Rothman has found out, that Michael Jackson is friends with the former wife of his dentist, he has offered the dentist his lawyer service.

   And then he has declared, that Michael touched the son of the dentist. We have found out about it from the newspaper, but there nevertheless was no word about under what circumstances the little boy gave these indications.

   Naturally, Chandler as the dentist had a stock of medicines in his cabinet, and I thought, probably, the boy has made the statements at the therapist under influence of some drug.

   At least, it exactly was confirmed to me by a former employee of Rothman in the personal letter. The child presumably was under influence of strong medicines and did not know what he was talking about. If it is the truth this is a really nasty story, and even today I would not like to think about it - it is awful.

   On not clear to me to reasons Chandler suddenly got defenced by another lawyer by name Larry Feldman. Probably, Feldman has never found out, under what circumstances the boy said these things, and Michael's lawyers presumably too could not interrogate the boy or call into question his version. Probably, the boy also has never found out, what Michael was charged with. But I can only assume all of this because since then the boy as vanished. Michael too could not tell his point of view because the sides have agreed, that it will never be mentioned. But I did not vow, that I will be silent about how the Hollywood rumors have harmed my son.

   In any case, some journalists have specified that Chandler has confessed, that he has invented this charges these only in order to have the right of trusteeship of his son and to make " the big money " . Accordingly he wanted to destroy Michael's career. And when he was asked, whether it will bring a benefit to his son, Chandler has declared, that it doesn't matter to him.

   To the rest was added that Michael has been too exhausted to protect himself. We were worried about our son, therefore Katherine, Rebbie and I have flown to Taiwan to visit him. Besides the concerts, Michael has completely secluded himself. Therefore once in the evening me and Rebbie have marched directly to his hotel room and have knocked on the door.

   " Who's there? ", Michael has asked with a weak voice.

   We named ourselves, and he has opened to us. We have talked a little and have invited him to go to have supper with us. Michael has politely explained, that he unfortunately cannot eat with us, because now he will be connected to his dropper.

   I looked at him in a full confusion. My son did not accept any firm food anymore, he was fed intravenously so that he has sustained this tour! During that moment I could not do or say much, but I was frightened for Michael's health.

   We remained near to Michael on one concert, then have departed home because my father was very sick also I did not know, whether I will have another opportunity to see him.

   And as though it was not enough; there appeared someone who claimed, that he's the one who has written "We are the world " and other songs, and has taken legal measures against Michael.

   In Mexico where eventually has come with the tour, Michael has recorded indications on video and after that collapsed. I expected that still when we visited him in Taiwan, but what could I do? Michael's manager and I did not understand each other, and Gallin constantly inspired my son not to talk to me.

   The most sad in all of that was that Michael at all did not want to do this tour, he was simply too tired. Only because Gallin has insisted on this tour, Michael ate intravenously, and I actually asked myself a question - whether drugs contained in his injections. Anyway, he has never recovered up to the end after his faint in Mexico. His fans do not even imagine, how close he was to death.

   In the meantime the topic of child molestation was more and more inflated in media. " National Enquirer " even has addressed to one of my friends and has suggested him 100 thousand dollars if he will declare, that Michael molested his children! But my friend has refused to this money, besides his children were not familiar at all with Michael, and he did not want to mess with such a dirty business.